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Our Philosophy

The Advise Wise Difference

How We Deliver

Discover Your Situation

Your situation is unique to you. We take this extremely seriously and ensure every client is treated as if they are our first. 

Understand Your Goals

Only you can truly know what is a good outcome for your situation. We make sure your goals our guiding light and the target in which we aim for. 

Put In The Work

One size does not fit all and neither should it fit you. We put in the work to ensure your solutions are customised to you and your best outcomes.

Backed By Proven Results

We rely soley on time tested and reliable results so we can meet your goals with minimal risk and the greatest efficiency. 

Investment Philosophy

We want to help you build a brighter financial future. To do that, we follow a rigorous investment philosophy designed to help you achieve your unique financial and lifestyle goals. The foundation of our philosophy is to invest based on strong research to deliver reliable returns while reducing volatility. That’s based on the following proven principles.

Evidence-based investing

Our investment recommendations are based on robust research and a rational approach. We apply the latest evidence from world leaders in economics and finance that has been tested in the real world to produce sustainable investment performance. That means we concentrate on what can be controlled – not on timing the market and picking stocks.

Your personal goals and circumstances

We use a range of objective measures to understand your goals, approach to risk and personal characteristics, which help us formulate a strategic investment portfolio tailored to suit you.

A diversified portfolio reduces risk

We don’t put all your eggs in one basket. A well-diversified portfolio helps reduce volatility and the risk of capital losses given many assets react differently to the same market conditions. We set long-term target allocations for each asset class and periodically adjust them as your needs and markets change.

The importance of long term capital growth

It’s all too easy to be led astray by the latest headlines or investment trends. We believe that you’re better off focusing on the long term. Investing for capital growth is a highly effective way to generate tax-effective wealth that outpaces the rising cost of living.

Focus on after-tax cash flow

Investors can’t spend headline returns, which is why we assess your income needs from an aftertax perspective. We evaluate the tax liabilities generated by funds managers and your own personal tax position before constructing investment portfolios. 

Costs can be controlled

We focus on your net returns, to make sure that standout investment performance isn’t eroded by excessive investment management fees and other charges. The products and managers we recommend are carefully evaluated to look at the value they deliver to you in terms of their price against their competition.

Expertise counts

We employ expert fund managers who have a proven long-term track record. We regularly monitor their performance, processes and key personnel to ensure they meet our standards. This gives you peace of mind knowing that your money is being well managed.

Recognise emotions

Investing can be a complex and sometimes emotional experience, which influences decisionmaking. We take a logical approach and act as an objective third party to help manage emotions that can stand between you and your financial goals. That’s why we take the time to get to know you and understand what matters to you throughout your life. 

Insurance Philosophy

Our insurance philosophy includes building a sustainable risk management plan to provide peace of mind and to mitigate unforeseeable circumstances that would otherwise impact your personal and financial goals. We work with you to understand what risks exist in your circumstances and map out a plan together to discuss what risks can be retained, managed or transferred in a cost effective and tax efficient manner.

As a self-licenced business, we are agnostic to insurance providers. In our selection of an insurer, we consider the following:

  • The policy definitions, features and benefits offered by the insurer
  • The claims paying history of the insurer
  • The premiums charged by the insurer
  • The business security and claims capacity of the insurer

An appropriate risk management plan provides the foundation for financial success and it is important that our clients feel comfortable knowing that in the event of the unforeseeable, they are protected.

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