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Financial Advice For Life

Award Winning Financial Advice

Advice Built Around You

Built Around Your Goals
Protects & Grows Your Wealth
Simplifies Your Complex Financial Matters
Customizable To Your Needs
Prepares You For Lifes Big Events

What Is Financial Advice For Life?

How Our Financial Advice Can Help You

Investment Advice
  • Do you have savings that you are not quite sure what to do with?
  • Are you looking to maintain your wealth and help generate income?
  • Are you looking to build your wealth in a diversified and cost considered manner?
  • How important would an impartial third-party opinion be to your situation?
Financial Advice For Women
  • Are you looking to take charge of your financial life and not depend on anyone?
  • Do you want to make intelligent financial decisions that have a positive effect on your life?
  • Are you ready to take advantage of great opportunities and decide where your money flows?
  • Could you avoid common money mistakes and turn around any habits that are holding you back?
Superannuation & Retirement Planning
  • Do you know how much you will need in retirement to live a comfortable lifestyle?
  • What does retirement look like for you?
  • When can you stop working?
  • Will you have enough for your version of a ‘comfortable’ retirement?
Sustainable Investing
  • Do you want your investments to positively effect society whilst actively growing your wealth?
  • Are there things you’d prefer your money to help support whilst improving your own financial situation?
  • Is there specific investments you’d like to actively avoid?
Lending & Mortgage Broking
  • Do you have a plan in place before you make a big life decision requiring a loan?
  • Do you know how much you can borrow?
  • Do you have the most competitive loans for your situation?
  • Could your loan be more flexible to suit your circumstances?
Aged Care
  • Do you have strategies to fund your or your loved one’s accommodation?
  • Do you know how to minimise your fees and negotiating with aged care facilities?
  • Do you have a plan to maximize the Government pension?
  • Do you understanding the tax implications of the options available?
  • Are you aware of the complex financial nature of the care options available?
Insurance & Risk Management
  • What would it look like for you and your family if your income were to suddenly stop?
  • What if you were to fall ill or be seriously injured for an extended period of time?
  • Would you be able to meet your financial obligations and for how long?
  • Could you continue your lifestyle and how would that impact your financial future?
  • Do you have a plan in place to protect your business from financial risk?
Estate Planning & Intergenerational Wealth Planning
  • Do you have a will in place?
  • Who will help you make your financial and medicals decisions if you were to lose the ability to make these decisions yourself?
  • Who will look after your children in the event of your passing?
  • Do you have a plan in place for your children and grandchildren to responsibly manage the wealth you have worked hard to build?
Structural Advice
  • Have you considered what happens to your personal assets if you were to run into financial difficulty?
  • Do you own or represent a director position in an organization? Did you know that the wealth you have been creating might be completely exposed to loss if you don’t have the appropriate measures of asset protection set up?
  • Incorporating structures such as trusts and companies for long term asset protection and management of wealth.

How We Provide You Financial Advice

How We Deliver

Providing high quality financial advice relies on a comprehensive, adaptable and repeatable process.

At Advise Wise we employ an ongoing six step process to our financial advice to understand your needs, devise and deliver solutions, and ensure that you remain on track to achieve your goals and objectives.

This process is designed to deliver the practical outcomes that are important to you with the overarching goal – allowing you to live your definition of a happy and fulfilling life.

What Are You Waiting For?

Book a consultation with one of our award-winning financial advisers and see how we can help you achieve your financial goals.

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